Coloring Games

Paint various mandalas

Paint many pixel drawings

Color Minecraft characters

Color animals on the farm and in the jungle

Paint pixel images in 3D

Color images with swans

Paint nice houses

Color 5 images with animals

Color Minecraft images

Paint 4 pixel images

Decorate and paint various rooms of the hou...

Top Games

Exploring Coloring Games
If you're someone who enjoys coloring while unleashing your imagination, then our selection of Painting Games is perfect for you. Try out all kinds of designs and drawings with an amazing variety of brushes, pens, and crayons to bring life to places, objects, animals, and kid-friendly characters, making this an unforgettable experience.
Our color games offer different modes, from free drawing to paint-by-number, where you'll follow the numbered sections to reveal a beautiful work of art.
When you're done coloring, snap a picture and share it with your friends so they can enjoy your creativity and have fun with our free Coloring Games!